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Does Hot Tub Help You Lose Weight?

You’ve heard it all before, “Lose weight while you relax!” But does lounging in a hot tub really help you shed those extra pounds? You’re curious, and rightly so.

No, using a hot tub does not directly lead to weight loss. While it can help you relax, increase circulation, and soothe sore muscles, it does not burn enough calories to cause significant weight loss. Any weight loss experienced immediately after using a hot tub is likely due to water loss from sweating.

Let’s explore how your body reacts to the heat, and if it can really kick your metabolism into high gear. It’s time to separate fact from fiction and answer the burning question.

does hot tub help you lose weight
Image by: Blspas.com

Will Soaking in a Hot Tub Help You Lose Weight?

You’re probably wondering if soaking in a hot tub can really help you shed those extra pounds. Well, the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think.

Hot tubs have been used for centuries for relaxation and therapeutic benefits. But when it comes to weight loss, the science is still evolving. Research shows that soaking in a hot tub can increase your heart rate and metabolism, similar to the effects of mild exercise. This can help to burn calories, but it’s not a magic bullet for weight loss.

A study published in a medicinal journal found that people with Type 2 Diabetes who soaked in a hot tub for 30 minutes a day, six days a week, saw a weight loss of nearly three pounds over three weeks. However, this is just one study and more research is needed.

How Long to Sit in a Hot Tub to Lose Weight?

While it’s not a guaranteed weight loss solution, you’ll find that sitting in a hot tub for around 15 to 20 minutes can potentially aid in burning calories. This is due to the increased metabolic rate your body experiences when exposed to heat. Your heart rate increases, mimicking the effects of mild exercise.

However, it’s important to understand that the weight you might initially lose is primarily water weight from sweating, not fat. So, it’s crucial to stay hydrated before and after your hot tub session to prevent dehydration.

Also, it’s worth noting that prolonged exposure to hot water can lead to health risks such as overheating or lowering blood pressure. Therefore, it’s recommended to limit your hot tub sessions to 15-20 minutes at a time for safety reasons.

Does Hot Water Speed Up Weight Loss?

Diving into hot water for a relaxing soak might also be speeding up your weight loss, but it’s essential to understand the science behind this. The heat from the water increases your heart rate, mimicking the effects of mild exercise. This causes your body to burn more calories and potentially aids in weight loss.

does hot tub speed up weight loss
Image by: Calderaspas.com

However, it’s not as straightforward as just sitting in the tub and watching the pounds melt away. It’s the increase in heart rate and the subsequent metabolic increase that leads to calorie burn, not the hot water itself. In a study by Loughborough University, it was discovered that an hour-long hot bath can burn around 100 calories, almost the same amount you’d burn on a half-hour walk.

But don’t ditch your gym membership just yet. While a hot tub can supplement your weight loss efforts, it can’t replace a comprehensive exercise routine and a healthy diet. It’s also vital to keep in mind that excessive heat exposure can lead to dehydration, so always ensure you’re properly hydrating before and after your soak.

Related Read: Does Using a Hot Tub Burn Calories?

Can You Exercise in the Hot Tub?

Often, you can combine a hot tub soak with some light exercise, but it’s important to choose the right type of activity.

The warm water improves circulation, increases flexibility, and can help ease muscle tension, creating an ideal environment for low-impact exercises. However, not all exercises are suitable for a hot tub due to the risk of overheating and dehydration.

Here are a few types of exercises you can do:

  • Stretching: This involves gentle movements to improve flexibility and mobility.
  • Leg lifts: While seated, lift your leg straight out in front of you.
  • Arm circles: Extend your arms out to the sides and gently circle them.
  • Water Aerobics: These are exercises performed in water for resistance.
  • Water jogging: Jog in place, using the water for resistance.
  • Arm curls: Using water weights, perform bicep curls.

Does a Hot Tub Speed Up Your Metabolism?

It’s true that your heart rate increases during a hot tub session, similar to when you exercise. This is because your body works harder to cool down, thereby burning more calories. However, it’s essential to note that this is a relatively small calorie burn compared to an intense workout session.

Studies have also shown that hot tub sessions can improve insulin sensitivity, a key factor in metabolism. But, they aren’t a magic bullet for weight loss. This is because the weight you might lose from a hot tub session is mostly water weight due to sweating, which you’ll gain back once you rehydrate.

Therefore, while a hot tub session might help to slightly boost your metabolism, it should not replace regular exercise and a healthy diet. It’s best to view hot tub sessions as a supplementary way to relax and perhaps support your weight loss journey, rather than a primary method of shedding pounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the potential risks of using a hot tub for weight loss?

Using a hot tub for weight loss can pose risks. You might experience dehydration, heat stroke, or burns. It’s also not scientifically proven to effectively burn calories or reduce body fat. Exercise caution.

2. Can the use of a hot tub help in reducing cellulite?

Yes, hot tubs can aid in reducing cellulite. The heat improves circulation, which can help break down the fat cells that cause cellulite. However, it’s not a standalone solution, diet and exercise are also crucial.

3. How does sitting in a hot tub compare to a regular workout for weight loss?

While soaking in a hot tub can burn some calories, it’s not as effective as a regular workout. Your heart rate increases due to the heat, but it doesn’t compare to the calorie burn from exercise.

4. Are there any specific diet recommendations while using a hot tub for weight loss?

While using a hot tub for weight loss, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet. You’re not burning as many calories as a workout, so don’t increase your intake. Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol.

5. Does the type of hot tub affect the potential for weight loss?

Regardless of the type, whether it’s infrared or traditional, hot tubs can aid in weight loss. They stimulate blood flow and promote sweating, which can burn calories. However, they can’t replace a healthy diet and regular exercise.


While a hot tub session can burn some calories, it’s not a magic bullet for weight loss. Long soaks may aid in de-stressing and muscle relaxation, and hot water can slightly boost metabolism.

You can perform light exercises in a hot tub, but it’s not a replacement for regular workouts. Remember, a balanced diet and regular exercise are the most effective ways to lose weight. Always consult a health professional before starting any weight loss regimen.

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