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When to Add Metal Gon to a Hot Tub?

You’re ready to slip into your hot tub, but wait! Have you added Metal Gon yet? This essential step can’t be overlooked in your hot tub maintenance.

Metal Gon should be added to a hot tub when you first fill it with water. This product is designed to sequester metals present in the water to prevent them from reacting with other chemicals and causing stains or discoloration. It is important to add Metal Gon before any other chemicals, as this will allow it to effectively bind to any metals in the water.

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, we’ll guide you on when and how to correctly use Metal Gon, helping you avoid any adverse effects.

metal gon in hot tub
Image by: Thehottubsuperstore.co.uk

Understanding the Role of Metal Gon in Hot Tub Maintenance

Before you can figure out when to add Metal Gon to your hot tub, you’ve got to understand its role in maintaining your tub’s cleanliness and longevity.

Metal Gon is a specially designed product that neutralizes harmful minerals, such as iron, copper, and other metals, present in your hot tub water. These metals can cause staining on your tub’s surface, discolor the water, and affect the efficiency of your hot tub’s heating system.

The use of Metal Gon is a preventative measure. It’s not a solution to remove stains that have already formed. Instead, it’s a product that you use to prevent metal stains from occurring in the first place. By adding it to your water, you’re creating a protective layer that stops these metals from settling on your hot tub’s surface.

The frequency of adding Metal Gon depends on your water source and the mineral content. If your water has a high mineral content, you’ll need to add it more often. It’s usually added during the initial fill and then consistently during water changes.

Determining the Right Time to Apply Metal Gon

Although you’ve got the basics of what Metal Gon does, it’s crucial to know when to apply it to your hot tub to achieve the best results. Timing is everything when it comes to hot tub maintenance.

The ideal time to add Metal Gon to your hot tub is when you’re filling it with fresh water. This is because Metal Gon works best when it has the chance to interact with the metals found in your water source before they have a chance to bind to the parts of your tub.

Apart from this, you should also consider adding Metal Gon after a heavy rainstorm, especially if your hot tub is outdoors. Rainwater can introduce new metals into the water, which can cause staining and scale.

Remember, regular maintenance is key. Even if you’ve added Metal Gon during the initial filling, it’s important to reapply it every month.

Potential Consequences of Incorrect Metal Gon Usage

incorrect metal gon usage in hot tub
Image by: Oakvillehomeleisure.ca

You’ll need to be aware that incorrect Metal Gon usage can lead to unwanted hot tub damage and water discoloration.

Overusing this product can cause your water to turn brown or green, which may stain your hot tub’s surface. Moreover, it might also affect the functionality of your hot tub’s pump and filtration system.

Conversely, using too little Metal Gon can also create issues. It may lead to the presence of excess metals in your hot tub water, which, if ignored, can cause scaling and staining. This scenario is not ideal, especially if you have a fiberglass or vinyl tub, as the stains can be hard to remove.

Furthermore, incorrect use of Metal Gon may cause an imbalance in your hot tub’s pH levels. This could lead to corrosion of the hot tub parts and even skin irritation for you and your guests.

Step-by-Step Guide on Adding Metal Gon to Your Hot Tub

Starting the process of adding Metal Gon to your hot tub requires understanding the proper steps to ensure effectiveness and safety.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through this process, ensuring clarity and precision:

StepsInstructionsKey Notes
Step 1Turn off the hot tubThis is crucial for safety and effective treatment
Step 2Add the Metal GonPour the recommended amount directly into the water
Step 3Run the hot tubTurn it on and let it run for about 30 minutes

Firstly, it’s crucial to turn off your hot tub. This ensures safety and prepares the water for treatment.

Secondly, add the Metal Gon directly into the water. Make sure you’re following the manufacturer’s recommended dosage, as overuse can damage your hot tub.

Finally, turn on your hot tub and let it run for approximately 30 minutes. This allows the Metal Gon to circulate, effectively treating and removing any metals present in the water.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Metal Gon’s Effectiveness

Maximizing Metal Gon’s effectiveness in your hot tub isn’t as hard as you might think, and we’re here to provide some handy tips and tricks.

Firstly, always add Metal Gon when your hot tub is filled with fresh water. This initial application will bind with any metals present, preventing them from causing problems down the line.

Secondly, don’t forget to add Metal Gon after each drain and refill. You might not see any metals in your freshwater, but they could still be present in trace amounts. By adding Metal Gon each time, you’re ensuring you catch those sneaky metals before they can cause any issues.

Thirdly, maintain a proper pH balance. Metal Gon works best in a balanced environment. If your hot tub’s pH is too high or too low, Metal Gon might not work as effectively. Aim for a pH between 7.2 and 7.8.

Lastly, don’t overdose. Adding too much Metal Gon can lead to cloudiness in the water. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the various brands of Metal Gon available in the market and which One is the best?

You’ll find various brands of metal gon like Leisure Time, Proteam, and SpaGuard. Each has unique qualities, but Leisure Time Metal Gon is often preferred for its effectiveness and consistency in maintaining hot tub water quality.

2. Are there any potential health hazards associated with using Metal Gon in a hot tub?

You’re asking about potential health hazards with metal Gon use in hot tubs. When used correctly, it’s typically safe. However, overuse or misuse can cause skin irritation. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure safety.

3. Can Metal Gon be used in other types of tubs or pools?

Yes, you can use Metal Gon in other types of tubs or pools. It’s not exclusive to hot tubs. It’s effective at preventing metal staining and scale build-up in any water-filled environment.

4. What should I do if I accidentally add too much Metal Gon to my hot tub?

If you’ve overdone it with the Metal Gon in your hot tub, don’t panic. Simply drain and refill your tub. Always remember, it’s better to add a little at a time and test regularly.

5. Is there a natural alternative to Metal Gon for treating metal in hot tub water?

Yes, there’s a natural alternative to Metal Gon. You can use citric acid as a chelating agent. It’ll bind with metal ions in your hot tub water, reducing metal buildup. Just follow package instructions for use.


In conclusion, maintaining your hot tub requires diligence and proper use of products like Metal Gon. Adding it at the right time can prevent damaging metal stains.

However, incorrect usage can have adverse effects. By following the provided step-by-step guide and employing the suggested tips, you can maximize the effectiveness of Metal Gon, ensuring your hot tub stays clean and inviting all year round.

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