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Should a Hot Tub Smell Like Chlorine?

You’ve just uncovered your hot tub, ready for a relaxing soak, but you’re hit with a strong scent of chlorine. Should it smell like that? What’s more, is it safe to sit in?

No, a hot tub should not smell like chlorine. A strong chlorine smell indicates that the water’s chemistry is off-balance, possibly due to high levels of chloramines, which are created when chlorine binds with contaminants like sweat or urine. This is not healthy and the water needs to be treated or changed.

This article will offer you insights into why your hot tub might smell strongly of chlorine, and if it’s safe. Additionally, we’ll provide solutions on how to reduce the smell.

chlorine smell in hot tub water
Image by: Coloradocustomspas.com

Reasons Why a Hot Tub Can Smell Too Much of Chlorine?

If you’re wondering why your hot tub smells too much of chlorine, it’s likely because you’ve added too much of it or it’s not being used up efficiently.

Chlorine is a necessary chemical that helps keep your hot tub clean by killing off bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. But when used in excess, it can lead to an overpowering smell that’s not just unpleasant but can also cause skin and eye irritation.

The problem might not even be too much chlorine, but rather, the type you’re using. There are two types of chlorine: stabilized and unstabilized. Stabilized chlorine is more commonly used for outdoor hot tubs as it withstands UV light better. For indoor tubs, you should ideally use unstabilized chlorine.

If you’re using the right type and quantity of chlorine but still can’t shake off the smell, the issue could lie in your hot tub’s circulation system. Poor water circulation can lead to the chlorine not being distributed evenly, resulting in certain areas having a higher concentration, thereby causing a strong smell.

Is it Safe to Use if Your Hot Tub is Smelling Like Chlorine?

You’re likely wondering whether it’s safe to use a hot tub that’s got a strong smell of chlorine. It’s a common concern, and the answer largely depends on the intensity of the smell and your personal sensitivity to chlorine.

Some people might experience negative reactions such as:

  • Skin irritation or dryness
  • Eye discomfort or redness
  • Respiratory issues if the smell is particularly strong

However, a faint smell of chlorine can be normal and a sign that your hot tub is effectively sanitized. It’s when the smell becomes overpowering that you should be concerned because it might indicate:

  • An imbalance in your water’s chemical levels
  • The presence of chloramines, compounds that form when chlorine interacts with contaminants in the water

If you’re unsure, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Test your hot tub’s water regularly, adjust chemical levels as necessary, and consider professional help if the strong chlorine smell persists.

Related Read: Why Does My Hot Tub Smell Bad? & Ways to Fix

How to Make Hot Tub Water Not Smell Like Chlorine?

fix chlorine smell in hot tub
Image by: Allenpools-spas.com

So, you’ve got a hot tub that reeks of chlorine, and you’re not quite sure what to do about it? Don’t worry, there are several methods you can employ to eliminate this strong odor.

Firstly, regular maintenance is key. Make sure to check and adjust the pH levels of the water regularly. The ideal pH level of a hot tub should be between 7.4 and 7.6. If the water is too acidic or too basic, it can intensify the smell of chlorine.

Secondly, consider utilizing alternative sanitizers. Options like bromine, biguanide, or mineral sanitizers can be effective and often have less of a scent.

In addition, using non-chlorine shock treatments can help to eliminate the smell. These treatments are designed to break down and remove the chloramines, which are primarily responsible for the strong chlorine smell.

Finally, make sure to replace the water in your hot tub every three to four months. This helps to keep the water fresh and can significantly reduce the smell of chlorine.

Related Read: How to Decrease Chlorine in Hot Tub?

Does the Smell of Chlorine Go Away Naturally?

The truth is, while chlorine does dissipate over time, its smell doesn’t entirely disappear without some assistance.

The smell of chlorine is often a sign of chloramines – compounds formed when chlorine reacts with contaminants in the water. They’re more stubborn than free chlorine and won’t simply evaporate away.

You’ll need to take active steps to reduce chlorine levels and eliminate that distinctive smell. Shocking your hot tub regularly can help. It oxidizes the chloramines, breaking them down and allowing them to evaporate. You’ll notice a significant reduction in the smell afterward.

Why Does My Hot Tub Smell Very Chemically?

If your hot tub smells very chemically, it’s likely because there’s an imbalance in the water chemistry.

This issue may be due to inadequate sanitization, elevated levels of chloramines, or a high concentration of other chemical products.

Chloramines are compounds that form when chlorine interacts with organic matter like sweat, skin cells, or urine. If your hot tub is smelling excessively chemically, it’s a sign that these chloramines have built up in the water. This unpleasant odor is often mistaken for too much chlorine but actually indicates a need for more sanitization.

Another possible reason is an overuse of chemical products. If you’re using too much sanitizer, shock, pH adjuster, or other chemical treatments, your hot tub may develop a strong chemical smell. It’s important to test your water regularly and make necessary adjustments to maintain balanced chemistry.

In any case, a chemically smelling hot tub is not a pleasant or healthy environment for relaxation. Regular water testing and proper chemical usage are crucial to keep your hot tub smelling fresh and inviting.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What health issues can arise from a hot tub with an excessive chlorine smell?

Yes, a strong chlorine smell from your hot tub can indicate an issue. It might cause skin and eye irritation, respiratory problems, and even long-term issues like asthma and other lung diseases.

2. Are there other chemicals in a hot tub that can cause a distinct smell?

Yes, other chemicals in a hot tub can cause distinct smells. Bromine, often used as a sanitizer, has a strong odor. Mineral purifiers also produce a unique smell. It’s crucial you maintain the right balance.

3. What causes a hot tub to smell like chlorine even when no chlorine has been added?

If your hot tub smells like chlorine without adding any, it could be due to chloramines from the previous chlorine addition. You might need to shock your hot tub to eliminate these chloramines.

4. Can I use another sanitizer if I don’t want my hot tub to smell like chlorine?

Yes, there are alternatives like bromine, mineral purifiers, and ozone systems that can be used to sanitize a hot tub without giving off a strong chlorine smell. Check with your hot tub manufacturer to ensure compatibility.


In conclusion, a faint chlorine smell in your hot tub is normal but a strong scent can indicate over-chlorination. While not immediately dangerous, it can cause discomfort.

To mitigate this, adjust your chemical levels or switch to a less odorous sanitizer. The smell doesn’t naturally dissipate, so action is required.

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